A yéyé freakbeat classic, 'L'Horloge du grand-père' is an adaptation of the English folk-song ('Grand-dad's clock').
Christine Pilzer - L'horloge De Grand-Père
In 2001 Christine's song "Champs Elysées" was featured on the compilation album 'Wizzz!' and to promote the record Christine did a few concerts with French group Les Terribles. She also appeared with them on French tv.
Video: Christine Pilzer et Les Terribles (looking goood!)
More info: YYG Website, Ready Steady Girls
1 – 200 of 378 Newer› Newest»i've never heard this before- thanks so much for this!
Merci pour cette chanteuse. En plus elle est née à Nice, comme mes enfants :-)
I especially like "Ils pataugent", "Dracula" or "AMOUR" by Christine Pilzer.
Thank you for posting yéyé!
tu página está genial, gracias por compartir tu música
I was missing this track, thanks so much! Love that video too. Christine did some quality work.
Thank you ! By Christine Pilzer i also have "Mon petit homme spatial" & "Ah-Hem-Ho-Uh-Err".
It's crazy to imagine the quantity of forgotten girl singers of the 60's. Finally some of these forgotten girls are sometimes better than certain still famous singers of that time.
Just a Simple Mom
great song, i´ve never heard of this song, now i´m digging through my collection for more christine pilzer. request- more vivi bach, please.
i love this blog, i majored in french and am becoming obsessed with old french culture lol
i was wondering if you knew where i could find any albums with french talking, like radio or things of that nature. if so id really appreciate it
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numero uno guy.. mantapo
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mantap bro.. sukses terus ya
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terimakasih atas informasinya
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oke mas bro lanjutkan
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thank you very much for the information
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