Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Suzanne Gabriello

It's been over a year since I posted 'Z' Avez Pas Lu Kafka' so I guess it's time for another for a song by the late Suzanne Gabriello. This was a parody of colleague Nino Ferrer's song 'Oh ! Hé ! Hein ! Bon !'

Video: Suzanne Gabriello singing 'Votez Hein Bon' live, accompanied by the Raymond Levefere orchestra.


litlgrey said...

I'm sorry I somehow missed it when you posted "Z' Avez Pas Lu Kafka," coz it's a good tune. But I think I might have the Canadian sampler you possibly ripped the track from, though.
Never seen the EP cover before!

Anonymous said...

this is strange... i just posted "z'avez pas lu kafka" on my (brand new!) blog, about the same minute you posted this. maybe i even downloaded it from your blog, can't remember. you might want to check it out at, there is already some other nino ferrer related stuff. and thanks a lot for "votez hein bon", i did not know that version!

jana said...

nice, she reminds me of the B.B. songs!

Mark said...

Nice one!

Here's a scopitone of Nino Ferrer doing the original:

Anonymous said...

Great to see back posting regularly again! :)

Anonymous said...


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